Discover how to obtain the Pilgrim University Credential to start the journey of your life.
The Pilgrim University Credential is a document which identifies the "university pilgrim" of any university in the world and certifies his transition through all the european universities located in any routes of The St. James Way.
With the Credential properly stamped, the university pilgrim can obtain the University Jacobean Certificate (Compostela Universitaria), and the traditional Compostela which will certify the pilgrim of performing the Way.
The "university pilgrimage" is considered completed, when the university pilgrim has done one of the routes of The Way of St. James.
The cost of the Pilgrim University Credential is to cover printing and shipping. However the Pilgrim University Certificate has free printing and shipping.
Discover how to earn the Pilgrim University Certificate and be part of a big alumni family
The Pilgrim University Certificate is a diploma of acomplishment given to "university pilgrims" on completing The Way.
In order to earn the Certificate, you will need your Pilgrim University Credential to have the stamp of each university on the route, the stamp of your affiliated university, and finally the stamp of the Pilgrim Office in Santiago de Compostela.
Once completed The Way throught whichever route, you have to send an scanned copy of your Pilgrim University Credential to Once received we will send your customized Pilgrim University Certificate to the choosen postal address FOR FREE.
You may apply here for the Pilgrim University Credential and have it sent to your home if necessary. Also, you may pick it up at the Edificio Central (Main Building) at the Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona, Navarra. Please remember that you do not have to be affiliated with the university to apply for this.
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